Saturday, October 16, 2010

cardio or strength?

so the better question is what are your goals? the new trend is to focus more on strength training. but my heart is always with cardio. if i had to choose i would choose cardio. but some go the other way. i personally choose to do both, but there have been periods in my excercise life that i have not done much strength besides yoga, which can absolutely be strength training using your own body for resistance. i think the bottom line is that strength can reshape your body, but nothing can replace the feeling, the high of cardio. i love how it feels, and no amount of lifting weights has even done that for me. yoga also, i just love the way it makes me feel. so if i only have a half an hour to workout, i will choose cardio. but my goals are to feel good, feel well, feel better, and to keep my heart and other organs healthy. some people focus on their outside figure and some focus on health. there is a bridge between these 2, but it seems as though most fall on one side or the other. best case scenario, do both. for me, working out is for health, and a lot for relieving stress. for me, cardio does this. i cant explain the amazing high you get from running, there is really nothing like it. it makes you feel calm and strong all at the same time. it makes you feel lean and svelte, even if youre not! i do other types of cardio, like the bike, and spinning, and the elliptical, but for me, nothing comes close. you have to find that one for you. the one cardio workout that makes you feel good. for some its swimming, or biking, or even rowing. try them all and see what works for you. some people think they cant run- im just not a runner they say. but i urge you to try it- really try it. try anything you think you cant do. we are all capable of working out hard, and we are all strong. find your strength!

1 comment:

  1. hi aimee, i love reading your blog. i just signed up to follow via email... keep em coming!
